Since the launch of this blog I've had a few people ask why I've decided to have four different focuses on my blog. Why not just make a craft blog, or a fashion blog?
So, to answer this question and be able to refer people to my blog to answer their question, I've planned to, over the course of the next few months, post a blog about each day and why I've chosen to add it into my blog.
Today I want to tell you why I've decided to dedicate a day to "Support it"__________________________________________________
I've always wanted to start a blog but my downfall has always been content. I have a bunch of different areas that I would love to create an online discussion about and never knew what to choose. So, I finally decided to have a few different focus areas and allocate them each a day. This way instead of an ad-hoc jumble of my interests, it would be consistent, both for my, and the reader's benefit.
Having a "Make it" day easily came to mind. I love making things and showing people how to make them too. As did the "Wear it" day; I'm always interested in new trends and it's easy to create an online discussion about the yays and nays of fashion. Most people know that I have a passion for music and I loving reviewing movies and books so the "Read it, Watch it, Listen it" day was right down my ally.
The "Support it" day however didn't come so naturally. As most people know, I work for a charity, Open Doors, but despite this, I've never really been one to jump on the band-wagon for charities or initiatives. Through my life I've given money to church, and other than that done the 40 hour famine a few times, and to be honest probably forgot to return the money half the time.
I thought there might be some cons to blogging about things people should support, and my suspicions have proved right. I get less than half the views on "Support it" blogs than I do on my other blogs; telling me that people just aren't interested in blogs that tell them to support something.
I know that if I replaced my "Support it" posts with another tutorial or blog about fashion I would probably have more people on board with this blog-thing that I'm having a shot at, and I would probably be happier knowing that all of the posts I put out there are getting read.
Even though I had an inkling this would be the case before I began "pollyjaneit", I knew that I couldn't create a blog without something calling people to action.
I love that God has given us great things like creativity, fashion, music, movies and reading, and I'll talk about that more in my blogs on the other days, but those things I recognise as something that God has given us to enjoy, not something to base our lives on. It didn't make sense to me to have a blog about the fun extras that we can afford and not talk about the action we're called to because we can afford such luxouries. In the end those material things aren't worth anything if we don't use this amazing wealth that we've been given to support others.
1 John 17-18 says
If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
And that's why I've decided to make sure I'm constantly advocating things that we can support.
Let me know if you have anything you'd like me to raise awareness for in my blogs.
So encouraged that you chose to make "Support it" one of the things you post about weekly... let us love with action and in truth!