Sunday, 22 September 2013

Support it; Op-Shops

Since there is now a great Op-shop around the corner from me, I have been able to see so many benefits of popping my head in once or twice a week, here they are!


1. Good for your wallet 

If you're like me, an injection of something new in your wardrobe every-now-and-then often feels needed to stop that "I have absolutely nothing to wear" thought that comes while looking at your over-flowing supply of clothes. This used to mean I'd scour the internet/shops for something that I didn't really need but felt entitled to, to preserve my contentment with the "clothes situation". Now, anytime I feel that need, I wander down to the Vinnes across the street and pick up, lets me honest, another black T. But, instead of paying the 20-dollars-plus-postage I would normally spend, I usually just have to pull out a 5-er and grab something to eat with the change on the way home. 

2. Good for your wardrobe

A bonus for your wardrobe is that the more you shop at an op-shop, the more you can't help thinking that there are a bunch of clothes that would be better suited on the racks of this store than behind your cupboard door. It's easy to implement the rule that every time you buy a piece of clothing, you give one away - just grab what ever you can't remember the last time you wore and chuck it in their clothing bins when you go to shop. This helps to keep an always-fresh, always-something-to-wear wardrobe!

You can always pick up something that has potential and alter it yourself!

3. Good for the environment

The more times we buy new clothes and throw them away, the more we're contributing to the big issue of waste. Recycling has never been more important for our environment and op-shops give us a way that we can have a fresh wardrobe AND help the world that we've been made stewards of. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Don't get me wrong, sometimes we need to buy new clothes and old ones are too worn-out to give in, but make sure you add your local op-shop to the list next shopping spree with a few old things in hand - you might be in for a surprise.

4. Good for totally hipster/indie/vintage/shabby/chic home decor

DIY home decor is big at the moment (just check out pintrest) and it's a great feeling to be able to spruce up your bedroom/living room/kitchen with that something new, or in this case, old. Op-shops are great for things like photo frames, plates, vases and teapots with authentic vintage patterns for stupidly low prices. 
A cool tip that I've seen is to buy a lot of things and group them together. That way, even if you're not in love with everything in the group, it still gives off the vibe you want.

5. Good for others

Most op-shops aren't actually set up to benefit our wallets, wardrobes or homes - as handy as they may be - but what do these charities actually do? Here's how your support can help the work of...

Vinnies: St Vincent De Paul Society, in their own words, seek; "to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society." If that doesn't convince you to visit your local, your donation of clothing and money (when you pick up and item) goes towards helping those who can't afford material goods: win-win! Check out Vinnies here.

Salvos: Your donations to the Salvation Army, amongst other things, helps them to facilitate their Community Services Centres as well as their Bridging program - helping those recovering from addictions to be trained to find work. So pop into a Salvos or shop online here!

6. Good for the soul

Visiting op-shops frequently reminds you that hey, clothes are just another thing - another thing to take our focus away from God, another thing that we can obsess over too much and spend too much money on. Clothes and fashion pass away so quickly, but the only thing that doesn't change is the word of God. Clothes are a great gift that God gives us to stay warm and express our individuality so let's shop for clothes in a way that glorifies Him by using our money wisely, helping the environment, and helping out others.

Still not convinced?

If you've been there, tried that and found that op-shops are a little disappointing, I want to say, well, of course they are. They're full to the brim of out-of-date and unflattering clothes that no one else wants. But we all have that friend who pulls out some totally cute vintage dress and, when we ask "from where?" they always answer "an op-shop! it was only 2 dollars!" But let me just tell you, those people, those people who seem to have a wardrobe full of cute op-shop finds have them because they're op-shop regulars. I'm not saying that, after being inspired by my brilliantly-written 6-point pro's of op-shopping list, that you will go out and find a whole new shabby-chic you, but I can tell you, the more you go, the more you'll be surprised, the more money you'll save, and the more you'll come to love your local op-shop.


For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matt 25:35-40


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favourite post of yours, Pol! So thoughtful and well written, I see God working through what you are doing here. Keep up the good work xxx

