(I did a blog a few weeks ago on it so you can check it out here if you're not in the loop: http://www.pollyjaneit.blogspot.com.au/2013/06/support-it-blackout.html)
But if you're not keen to get involved then I'd still encourage you to pray for the persecuted church this weekend, and I thought I'd give you a guide if you're not sure where to start.
Firstly, I thought I'd shoot a few reasons why we should bother praying for persecuted Christians in the first place.
Ephesians 4:1-5 says
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord,one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Here we see that all Christians are united as one body in Christ. While we can see that in the immediate context of our churches, we're also united to those we don't know globally through this body. And if one part of the body suffers, we all suffer.
Hebrews 13:3 saysContinue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
This verse, highlights this global connection that all Christians have, and goes on to make clear that our thoughts about our persecuted brothers and sisters shouldn't merely be as a distant reality and a passing thought, but that we should recognise their reality as one that we all have to deal with.
Another massive reason that we should be praying for our persecuted family, is because they're begging us to. Time and time again at Open Doors we hear the cries of the persecuted asking us to pray that through their suffering Christ would be made known.
The last reason (that I'll talk about in this blog) is that through prayer we have seen massive things happen. We've seen China receive one million bibles in one night, and whole revivals that have come from prayer.
Watch this if you'd like to know more about how effective prayer in China has been "one of the greatest revivals in the history of the world was built on prayer";
Okay okay, so you want to pray. Here's how I'm going to pray over this weekend;
Friday night: Somalia; 5th hardest place to be a Christian
- It's too dangerous for Christians to meet openly as it is a strictly Islamic place
- Terrorist groups target those who convert to Christianity
- Aid workers risk abduction
- the provisional constitution doesn't allow for religious freedom
Saturday Morning: Iraq #4- The terroist group Al-Shabaab, which is backed by al-Qaeda remains a series threat; pray that it's influence will diminish
- That Christian radio programs will encourage Christians and see more people converted
- Pray for those who are returning to Somalia because of political changes as they've been exposed to Christianity - pray that this might change the culture of intolerance towards Christians.
- Christians in Iraq are on the verge of extinction. Large numbers of persecuted Christians have fled abroad or to the (until recently) safer Kurdish region, where they face unemployment and inadequate schooling, medical care and housing.
- The church faces many challenges – members being killed or abducted, and a lack of capable leaders.
- In central and southern Iraq, traditional Christians suffer as much as Muslim-background believers (MBB), as a result of their visibility.
- In May 2012, 20 Christian families in Mosul received threats, and the house of another Christian was set on fire.
- For the many Christians displaced from their homes by threats of murder or abduction
- Ask God to raise up godly, wise leaders to shepherd the church
- For Open Doors trauma counselors working with children and families affected by persecution.
Saturday Night: Afghanistan #3
- Family and societal pressure combined with government persecution have pushed the church underground.
- The state treats converts, who all come from a Muslim background, in a very hostile manner. Due to this persecution, Christians cannot meet in public; even gatherings in private houses require extreme caution. No church buildings exist, even for expatriates, and both local and foreign Christians are subject to kidnapping, abduction, killing and having to flee the country.
- The Taliban is regaining power and has vowed to purge all Christians from Afghanistan, both foreign and local.
- For peace and stability as international troops withdraw in 2013-14
- That God would thwart Taliban attempts to target NGOs and relief organizations
- That Christian radio and TV programs will strengthen isolated believers and bring the gospel to this closed country.
Sunday Morning: Saudi Arabia #2
- There is no provision for religious freedom in the constitution of this Islamic kingdom. All citizens must adhere to Islam and conversion to another religion is punishable by death. Public Christian worship is forbidden; worshipers risk imprisonment, lashing, deportation and torture.
- Evangelizing Muslims and distributing non-Islamic materials is illegal.
- Muslims who convert to Christianity risk honor killings and foreign Christian workers have been exposed to abuse from employers.
- Despite the persecution, converts are responding to Christian TV programs and to dreams and visions from God.
- Ask God to protect Christians who boldly share their faith despite the risks
- For isolated believers who face rejection and persecution from their families
- That God will continue to draw people to Himself through satellite TV, radio and supernatural dreams.
Sunday Night: North Korea #1
- For the eleventh year running, this is the most difficult place on earth to be a Christian.
- One of the remaining Communist states, it is vehemently opposed to religion of any kind.
- Christians are classified as hostile and face arrest, detention, torture, even public execution.
- There is a system of labor camps including the renowned prison No. 15, which reportedly houses 6,000 persecuted Christians alone.
- Despite the severe oppression, there is a growing underground church movement of an estimated 400,000 Christians.
- For real political and economic change under the leadership of Kim Jong-Un
- Spies have reportedly been sent to China to expose networks. Ask God to protect refugees and those helping them
- Give thanks that Open Doors is able to deliver emergency aid into the country.
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